How do retail investors use order flow data?


We study how retail traders value and learn from order flow data using a randomized online experiment. Sophisticated participants — those with formal financial education — value order flow data in line with a fully optimizing Bayesian investor, while others pay only 59% of the fair value. Overconfidence leads to a 28% higher data valuation. Participants gain limited benefits from order flow data, capturing only 11.8% of a Bayesian trader’s value and reducing trading errors by just 6.25% (11.7% for sophisticated traders). Data access mitigates the disposition effect but also fuels excessive trading. Cognitive load rises slightly with data access, particularly for unsophisticated traders.

Working paper
Marius Zoican
Marius Zoican
Associate Professor of Finance

I study the impact of (new) technology on securities exchanges and asset management, as well as how to leverage technological innovations to build a better market.
